January 2025: Civility and Resilience
Civility in the Workplace The legislative branch employs over 30,000 employees of varied experiences and backgrounds. This training module reviews the core concept of workplace civility, its related concepts, and its institutional benefits; examines specific civil behaviors and conflict management practices in multiple workplace environments; and proposes strategies to create, foster, and maintain civility in […]
February 2025: Recognizing and Preventing Discrimination and Harassment
This training module outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered staff and offices of the legislative branch under the CAA. Additionally, this training outlines the OCWR administrative dispute resolution process and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim. It also examines different types of harassment and discrimination and the legal prohibitions on […]
March 2025: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
March 2025: Bystander Intervention (In-Person Training Session)
This in-person training session will be held in the West Dining Room (Room LM-621) on the sixth floor of the James Madison Memorial Building of the Library of Congress. When in the presence of offensive conduct, bystanders may, for a variety of reasons, choose not to get involved; this is known as the “bystander effect.” […]
December 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
November 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
October 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
October 28, 2024: Civility and Resilience (In-Person Training Sessions)
These one-hour in-person training sessions will be held in the West Dining Room (Room LM-621) on the sixth floor of the James Madison Memorial Building of the Library of Congress. Registrants can sign up to attend one or both sessions by clicking the registration button on the right. Civility The legislative branch employs over 30,000 […]
Cancelled: October 21, 2024: Civility and Resilience (In-Person Training Sessions)
Due to planned activities on Capitol Hill, the in-person trainings on Civility and Resilience scheduled for October 21, 2024 in the Capitol Visitor Center have been cancelled. Registrants are encouraged to sign up for the October 28, 2024 session in the James Madison Building of the Library of Congress. The October 21 session will be […]
Federal Case Law Update
The Office of the General Counsel will give a Brown Bag Lunch presentation for legislative branch counsel, discussing recent federal cases involving CAA-applied statutes. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRtraining@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
September 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
August 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
July 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
Supreme Court Recap
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel to talk about recent Supreme Court case decisions. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRtraining@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
July 2024: Civility and Inclusion
The legislative branch employs over 30,000 employees of varied experiences and backgrounds. This training module reviews the core concept of workplace civility, its related concepts, and its institutional benefits; examines specific civil behaviors and conflict management practices in multiple workplace environments; and proposes strategies to create, foster, and maintain a climate of inclusion in the […]
June 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
May 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
May 2024: Resilience (In-Person Training Session)
This in-person training session will be held in the Mary Pickford Theater on the third floor of the James Madison Memorial Building of the Library of Congress. This training module explores the concept of workplace resilience, examines possible barriers to resilience, and proposes strategies to enhance the resilience of legislative branch employees. Note: Registration is […]
April 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
CAA Statutory, Regulatory, and Case Law Updates
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel to talk about statutory, regulatory, and case law updates to the Congressional Accountability Act. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRtraining@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
March 2024: Bystander Intervention
When in the presence of offensive conduct, bystanders may, for a variety of reasons, choose not to get involved; this is known as the “bystander effect.” This training module defines the concepts of the bystander effect and bystander intervention theory; helps attendees recognize the importance of intervention; proposes strategies for when and how they may […]
March 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
OSH Law, Inspections, and Investigations
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel to talk about occupational safety and health (OSH) law, inspections, and investigations. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRtraining@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
February 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
February 2024: Racial Equity
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law over 50 years ago, but the discussion of racial equality has not ended; instead, it has shifted toward a focus on racial equity. This training module identifies the causes, manifestations, and impact of racial inequity in the workplace and proposes strategies and methods for advancing […]
January 2024: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
December 2023: Civility and Inclusion
The legislative branch employs over 30,000 employees of varied experiences and backgrounds. This training module reviews the core concept of workplace civility, its related concepts, and its institutional benefits; examines specific civil behaviors and conflict management practices in multiple workplace environments; and proposes strategies to create, foster, and maintain a climate of inclusion in the […]
December 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
November 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
October 2023: Resilience
The legislative branch is a dynamic and unique work environment unlike any other. When faced with adversity or stressful events, Hill employees often have to bounce back quickly and return to work with minimal disruption. This is where our resilience becomes important. This training module identifies what resilience is, describes our different barriers to resilience, […]
October 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act (In-Person Training Session)
This in-person training session will be held in the Mary Pickford Theater on the third floor of the James Madison Memorial Building of the Library of Congress. This session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of […]
Supreme Court Preview and Federal Case Law Update
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel to talk about upcoming Supreme Court case decisions and federal case law updates. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRtraining@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
August 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
July 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and […]
Mental Health Accommodations in the Workplace
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel on mental health accommodations in the workplace. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRinfo@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
June 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
June 2023: Bystander Intervention
When in the presence of offensive conduct, bystanders may, for a variety of reasons, choose not to get involved; this is known as the “bystander effect.” This training module defines the concepts of the bystander effect and bystander intervention theory; helps attendees recognize the importance of intervention; proposes strategies for when and how they may […]
Electrical Safety for Maintenance Personnel
Please join the OCWR for a program, Electrical Safety for Maintenance Personnel, to be held in the West Dining Room (LM-621) and on Zoom on June 6, 2023 at 11:00 am. The guest speaker will be Jerry Rivera, Safety Director of the Washington, D.C. chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association.
May 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
New Protections for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel on new protections for pregnant and nursing mothers. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRinfo@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
April 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
March 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
March 2023: Resilience
The legislative branch is a dynamic and unique work environment where resilience is an important tool. This training session identifies what resilience is, describes the different barriers to resilience, explains why resilience is important in the legislative workplace, and proposes strategies to improve the resilience of legislative branch employees. Note: This training is for legislative […]
ADA Public Access Issues: Recent Developments
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel on recent cases involving ADA public access issues. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRinfo@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
February 2023: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
December 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
November 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
Recent Cases Involving Potential CAA Issues
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel on recent cases involving potential Congressional Accountability Act (CAA) issues. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRinfo@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
October 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
September 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
ADA Public Access Regulations
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel on ADA public access regulations in the legislative branch. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at OCWRinfo@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
June 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
Unionization in the Legislative Branch: Questions and Answers
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel on unionization in the legislative branch. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at ocwrinfo@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
May 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
April 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
The Fair Labor Standards Act: Proposed Regulations and Recent Case Law
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel on the Fair Labor Standards Act: Proposed Regulations and Recent Case Law. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at ocwrinfo@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
March 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
February 2022: The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA, and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim […]
The Fair Chance Act and Other Updates
The General Counsel will present a Brown Bag Lunch session for legislative branch counsel on the Fair Chance Act (Ban the Box) and other recent updates. To learn more, please contact the OCWR at ocwrinfo@ocwr.gov. Include “Brown Bag” in the subject line.
Webinar: Q1 2022 The Congressional Accountability Act
This training session explains the role of the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) in administering and enforcing the Congressional Accountability Act.