§1.01 Scope and Policy.

These rules of the Office of Compliance govern the procedures for consideration and resolution of alleged violations of the laws made applicable under Parts A, B, C, and D of title II of the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995. The rules include definitions, procedures for counseling, mediation, and for electing between filing a complaint with the Office of Compliance and filing a civil action in a district court of the United States under Part A of title II. The rules also address the procedures for compliance, investigation, and enforcement under Part B of title II, [variances] and for compliance, investigation, [and] enforcement, and variance under Part C of title II. The rules include [and] procedures for the conduct of hearings held as a result of the filing of a complaint and for appeals to the Board of Directors of the Office of Compliance from Hearing Officer decisions, as well as other matters of general applicability to the dispute resolution process and to the operations of the Office of Compliance. It is the policy of the Office that these rules shall be applied with due regard to the rights of all parties and in a manner that expedites the resolution of disputes.

§1.02 Definitions.

Except as otherwise specifically provided in these rules, for purposes of this Part:
(b) Covered Employee. The term “covered employee” means any employee of
(3) the [Capitol Guide Service] Office of Congressional Accessibility Services;
(4) the Capitol Police;

(9) for the purposes stated in paragraph (q) of this section, the [General Accounting] Government Accountability Office or the Library of Congress.

(d) Employee of the Office of the Architect of the Capitol. The term “employee of the Office of the Architect of the Capitol” includes any employee of the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, or the Botanic Garden [or the Senate Restauran

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CATEGORIES: Procedural Rules