General Counsel’s Brown Bag Presentations

Since 2016, the attorneys in the Office of Congressional Workplace Right’s Office of the General Counsel have conducted a Brown Bag Lunch Series for legal counsel within the legislative branch employing offices. The series is designed to educate participants about key issues and legal developments under the laws applied by the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), whether through a survey of recent case law, a deep dive into a single statute, or an examination of themes that cut across multiple areas of labor and employment law. The goal of these sessions – whether in-person or virtual – is to promote the employing offices’ compliance with the laws applied by the CAA, by ensuring that their counsel have a thorough and nuanced understanding of the employing offices’ legal obligations to their employees.

The documents below were prepared by the General Counsel’s staff as supplemental reference materials related to the themes of the Brown Bag Lunch sessions. Please note that the legal analysis presented in these documents represents the work of the attorneys who prepared them and does not necessarily reflect the views of the OCWR or its Board of Directors. Additionally, although the information in these documents was current as of the date of each presentation, please be advised that the law may have changed since then.