Fast Facts publications provide guidance and information about safety and health matters affecting legislative branch employees.
For more information about occupational safety and health (OSH) in the legislative branch, please e-mail the OCWR at For information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the legislative branch, please e-mail the OCWR at, or call the office at (202) 724-9250.
Office Safety and Accessibility
Extension Ladders
This document presents the proper uses of an extension ladder, height restrictions, information on load limits, and OSH training.
Safety Quiz
This Safety Quiz self-assessment will educate on occupational safety and health-related dos and don’ts. An answer key is provided.
Updated OSH Guidance
This guidance is meant to assist employers and employees in most workplace settings in identifying risks of being exposed to and contracting COVID-19 at work and to help them determine appropriate control measures to implement.
Office Ergonomic Guidance
This guidance describes the basic elements for establishing an ergonomically sound office environment.
Working From Home During a Pandemic
This guidance informs how to best adjust to your full-time telework workspace while maintaining your productivity.
Compressed Gas Cylinder Storage
This self-inspection checklist explores safety measures for handling, storing, and labeling of compressed gas cylinders.
See All Office Safety and Accessibility Posts
Emergency Preparedness
Fire Doors
What is a fire door? Fire-resistant materials are used in the construction of buildings to slow and control flames and smoke in the event of a fire. Fire doors are…
Natural Disasters
This document details the emergency management cycle, and how offices can prepare for natural disasters.
Hosting a Safety Meeting
This document provides guidance on hosting a safety meeting, and how to engage employees to participate in workplace safety and health conversations.
Emergency Preparedness
This slide deck was designed to educate on the basics of emergency management and stress the importance of preparedness.
Exit and Related Signs
This document details the importance of exist signs with relation to evacuation, and the characteristics of a compliant exit sign.
See All Emergency Preparedness Posts
Worker Protection
How to Work Safely in Cold Conditions
This guidance contains information about cold stress and other cold weather-related health concerns, and prevention tips.
Holiday Office Decorations
This holiday-specific guidance can help to create a safe and fun atmosphere for your next workplace celebration.
Housekeeping: Maintaining a Safe, Clean Workplace
This document explains the importance of keeping the workplace clean and provides recommendations for good housekeeping practices.
Better Handwashing
This guidance provides an overview of ways to encourage handwashing in the workplace.
Flu Prevention
This document identifies flu symptoms, and flu prevention steps and office tips.
Heat Stress
This slide deck was designed to inform how to spot the signs of heat stress, address them, and prevent it in the workplace.
See All Worker Protection Posts
Electrical Hazards
Portable Space Heaters
This document explains the potential hazards posed by portable space heaters and how to use them safely in the workplace.
Electrical Panel Safety
This document provides an overview of OSHA standards to help ensure that electrical panels can be safely used and prevent serious injury.
Electrical Impedance Hazards
This publication focuses on the grounding conductor, located inside an electrical outlet, and
the portion of the circuit between the outlet and the panel board or circuit breaker box.
Power Strips
This document describes the dilemma with power strips, and solutions for supplying power to areas where there aren’t adequate outlets available.
Energized Wiring and Electrical Components
This document examines various electrical wiring hazards and associated regulations on safety.
Permanent Wiring
This document examines the use of easily overloaded extension cords, and the fire hazards improper use poses in the workplace.
See All Electrical Hazards Posts
Exposure to Hazardous Elements
Indoor Air Quality: Mold
This document provides detail on mold growth, the health impacts of exposure to mold, and how to control indoor growth.
What You Should Know About Workplace Chemicals
This document provides details on the OSHA Hazard Communication performance standard, along with a checklist for effective training.
Indoor Air Quality: Radon
This document details how radon could enter homes and buildings, an explanation of measurement, and related regulations.
Methylene Chloride
This document describes products that contain methylene chloride, and the impact of the chemical on the human body when exposed.
Lead – Be Aware and Beware
This document describes how one might be exposed to lead in the workplace, the health hazards of lead exposure, and example situations that might involve lead.
Asbestos: Do Not Disturb
This document provides an overview of asbestos, and the associated health hazards and protective regulations.