OCWR Training Opportunities
The Office of Congressional Workplace Rights’ (OCWR) education and outreach team is hosting an in-person training on the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA). The training will be held on Thursday, October 12, 2023 in the Mary Pickford Theater on the third floor of the Library of Congress’s James Madison Memorial Building. This CAA training is open to current employees of the legislative branch of the federal government. Please register in advance for this program at ocwr.gov.
The OCWR has also recently expanded its course catalog and added a new training module on age discrimination. With today’s workers living longer, staying healthier, and retiring later, many older workers may experience ageist behavior. This new module examines the relationship between ageism and age discrimination, discusses the laws prohibiting age discrimination and the legal standards of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), and proposes strategies to identify and prevent ageism and age discrimination in the workplace.
Contact the OCWR at OCWRtraining@ocwr.gov to receive more information on upcoming training opportunities or to schedule a training program for your office.

New Notice of Congressional Workplace Rights
The OCWR has a revised workplace rights poster with new information. The CAA requires all employing offices to “post and keep posted (in conspicuous places upon its premises where notices to covered employees are customarily posted) a notice provided by the Office (OCWR) that describes the rights, protections, and procedures applicable to covered employees” including contact information for the OCWR.
The poster can be downloaded from the OCWR website. Printed copies also are available by contacting the OCWR at (202) 724-9250.
Training Corner
The OCWR will be hosting a pop-up training session on resilience. This training module identifies what resilience is, describes the different barriers to resilience, explains why resilience is important in the legislative workplace, and proposes strategies to improve the resilience of legislative branch employees.
To register, click on the link below.
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