New Workplace Rights Poster for 119th Congress

The Congressional Accountability Act (CAA) instructs all employing offices, including district and state offices, to display the rights, protections, and procedures provided by the CAA, along with the contact information for the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR). This information is provided in the congressional workplace rights poster.

The poster for the 119th Congress is available for download from or hard copies may be picked up at the OCWR office (John Adams Building, 110 Second Street, SE, Suite 200) or from the House mailroom (Longworth House Office Building Room B-240) or the Senate mailroom (Dirksen Senate Office Building Room SD-B28).

OSH Fast Fact
Working in Cold Conditions

Do you know the general warning signs and symptoms of cold stress on the body when working in cold weather conditions? The OCWR’s latest Fast Fact, “Working in Cold Conditions,” provides guidance and information about the hazards of these possible life-threatening environments. Find the symptoms, remedies, and prevention tips for such issues as frostbite and hypothermia in this fact-filled information sheet on the OCWR website.

For more information about occupational safety and health (OSH) in the legislative branch, please e-mail the OCWR at or call the OCWR office at (202) 724-9250.

OCWR Training Opportunities

Recognizing and Preventing Discrimination and Harassment – Webinar

This webinar reviews the rights and responsibilities of covered staff and offices of the legislative branch under the CAA, outlines the OCWR administrative dispute resolution process and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim, and examines the different types of harassment and discrimination and the legal prohibitions on such conduct in the workplace.

The Congressional Accountability Act – Webinar

This webinar explains the role of the OCWR in administering and enforcing the CAA, outlines the rights and responsibilities of covered legislative branch employees under the CAA (including the protections against harassment, discrimination, and reprisal), and sets forth the OCWR’s administrative dispute resolution procedures and the necessary deadlines for covered employees to file a claim with the OCWR.

Bystander Intervention – In-Person

This in-person training session will be held in the West Dining Room (Room LM-621) on the sixth floor of the James Madison Memorial Building of the Library of Congress.
When in the presence of potentially discriminatory or retaliatory conduct, bystanders may, for a variety of reasons, choose not to get involved; this is known as the “bystander effect.” This training module defines the concepts of the bystander effect and bystander intervention theory; helps attendees recognize the importance of intervention; proposes strategies for when and how they may safely intervene; explains the impact of bystander intervention on positive, professional workplace culture; and applies bystander intervention techniques through instructor-guided scenarios.

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