Unfair Labor Practices

Section 220 of the Congressional Accountability Act prohibits unfair labor practices (ULPs) as set forth in the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute at 5 U.S.C. § 7116. Some examples of ULPs include employing offices discriminating against employees because the employee supports a union, employing offices refusing to bargain with unions over changes to conditions of employment, and employing offices refusing to provide information properly requested by a union. It is also a ULP for a union to improperly refuse to represent employees or to refuse to bargain with an employing office. Moreover, it is a ULP for an employing office or a union to retaliate against an employee for filing a ULP or for participating in an OCWR proceeding. ULP charges must be filed during the 180-day period that begins on the date of the alleged violation.

Any person, union, or employing office may file a ULP with the OCWR General Counsel, using the appropriate form below. The OCWR General Counsel is responsible for investigating and prosecuting meritorious ULP charges as provided in Part 2423 of the OCWR’s labor-management regulations.

To file a ULP charge with the OCWR, please download the appropriate form:

Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against an Employing Office, Form 1351c-EO

Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against a Labor Organization, Form 1351c-LO

For more information, please contact the OCWR at (202) 724-9250 or LMR@ocwr.gov.