The Congressional Accountability Act applies a wide range of civil rights, labor, and workplace safety laws to Congress and its associated offices.

Harassment and Discrimination Prohibited

Polygraph Testing Protections

Protection Against Reprisal or Intimidation for Exercising Workplace Rights

Family and Medical
Leave Act

Notification of Office Closing or Mass Layoffs

Uniformed Services Rights and Protections

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination and Privacy

Access to Public Services and Accommodations
- Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
- Labor-Management Rights
- Fair Chance Act (Ban the Box)
- Unlawful Discrimination
- Occupational Safety & Health
- Family and Medical Leave Act
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- Veterans’ Employment Opportunities
- Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights
- Polygraph Testing Protections
- Notification of Office Closings or Mass Layoffs
- Protections for Exercising Rights